Poison Permits

Enable remote worksites to legally store and distribute medication without on-site doctors.

Trusted by leading Australian employers.

Pharmaceutist reaching for medications on pharmacy shelves
Buying medications in the pharmacy

Supply Remote Sites With Medications

Remote worksites like mines or offshore oil platforms don’t always have on-site doctors or pharmacists.

But workers still need access to their prescribed medications – and we can help.

Our practitioners are licensed to supply restricted medications to remote sites across Australia, making it easy for you to support your people and comply with workplace health requirements.  

As long as you have qualified on-site medical staff – like nurses and paramedics – our team can remotely prescribe and procure any necessary medication.

Why Choose RediMed?

24/7 Telehealth

With 24/7 access to medical practitioners from our telehealth team, your on-site medical staff can always get the advice they need.

Any Jurisdiction

Legally supply medication to remote sites across every state and territory in Australia.

Any Medication Class

Access any medications under schs 2,3, 4 and 8 of the Therapeutic Goods (Poisons Standard).

Telehealth Services

Did you know we provide telehealth services via a dedicated app? Our services are designed to provide timely and convenient access to healthcare.

Why Are Poison Permits Necessary?

In some jurisdictions – like Queensland and Western Australia – medical practitioners are only permitted to store restricted medicines at certain sites, like their own clinic.

A drug like Panadeine Forte or ZOLOFT, for example, couldn’t normally be stored at a workplace.

For remote worksites, though, the lack of available pharmacies means that a large on-site supply of restricted medications might be required – which can only be provided by a medical practitioner with the right licensing.

Poison permits (known as health service permits in Western Australia and general approvals (acute health conditions at isolated sites) in Queensland) enable medical practitioners to supply those sites with the medications they need.

Each site needs to be approved for a poison permit, and qualified healthcare personnel like nurses are generally required to distribute the medications on site.

Man in protective suit
Danger No Entry sign
Female doctor in nursing home
Doctor writing a prescription

Reporting and Compliance

Our rigorous auditing and reporting help minimise the risk of improper use on site.

Call Documentation

On-site staff must complete online consultation records, which are approved and signed by our specialists, and all clinical phone consultations are recorded and stored digitally.

Monthly Feedback

On-site clinicians are required to submit monthly reports detailing medication stock levels and usage, which are then reviewed by our QA unit for discrepancies.

Annual On-Site Audit

Our involved medical practitioner and a member of our QA unit visit each remote site once a year to inspect medical facilities, review all equipment and vehicles, and sign off on drug registers.

Annual Report

After an annual site visit, we’ll compile a detailed report, with recommended actions accompanying any adverse findings.